Due to COVID-19 local activities and events have been cancelled or postponed to a later date. Check our Facebook or Instagram page for updates.

Roots n' Shoots @ Oak Canyon Nature Center

Saturday, February 22
Free Admissions
6700 E. Walnut Canyon Road Anaheim, California 92807
Suitable for ages 12 to 17


Like nature? Need community service hours? Grab your jeans and head down to OCNC! Come join us for 1.5 hours a week as we maintain trails and keep Oak Canyon looking good! Possible activities include: trail clearing, stream maintenance, non-native plant removal, and habitat restoration. All work materials provided. When: Saturdays, 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Ages: 12 & up Bring: A good attitude, any forms you need filled out, and a guardian to sign waiver.
Contact Info
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6700 E. Walnut Canyon Road Anaheim, California 92807
Hours of Operation
Saturday 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
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